Sunday, November 28, 2010

New painting

I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in almost a month, but I'm finally doing it now. I've been so busy with the holidays and school. How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I spent mine painting a little, but still interacted with my family in the process. But enough of that, lets get to the art. :D

Ok so this painting was what my art teacher calls a Franz Kline painting. Ok, i know your wondering who this guy is, he's a famous painter who would use, "huge swaths of black paint cut across the vast canvas in all directions, balanced by an equal spread of white, giving the effect of light and shade. The dramatic scale  is augmented by the powerful intensity of interlocking shapes, suggestive of eastern calligraphy" (although he denies the connection) As suggested by his friend and fellow Abstract Expressionist painter Willem deKooning, Kline discovered this method of painting by projecting a small drawing onto the wall to create the effect of an enlarged microscopic. One of his quotes of him describing a projection was, "A four by five inch black drawing of a rocking chair... loomed in gigantic black strokes which eradicated any image, the strokes expanding as entities in themselves, unrelated to any entity but of their own existence." There's enough to say about this ingenious painter. The criteria of my painting was as follows...
1. Take a small detail of a photograph (your own, or online), enlarge it, and paint it.
2. Frame your composition to include a focal point in the rule of thirds spot.
3. Warm up the temperature of the colors in your focal point and cool down the colors in the backround
4. Pay attention to the textures and details in your photograph and try to duplicate them in your painting

This is the picture that I chose that I pulled off of the internet.

This is what I cropped and cut the picture down to for my final compostition

This is the final product of all my hard work, it took me a long time, but i think it was worth while, I hop everyone enjoys it! Thank you for reading :D

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