Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lost Things

In my art class this year I know that I will do countless projects and use many materials. But one thing we are assigned to throughout the semester is a sketchbook. We had to make a sketchbook cover in the first few weeks that we started. We had to pick a quote and use magazine and construction paper to create a collage that represented that quote. I used the quote "All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness." by Eckhart Tolle. In the backround I created a palate with different colors of paint on it and a paintbrush going across it. The back round behind that starts off purple on the top and fades to red at the bottom.

Now, what this title is supposed to mean is what the instructions of the sketchbook told me that I could do. All of the pages in this sketchbook are free sketch, meaning I can draw almost anything that I would want inside it. There was also a note towards the bottom of the instructions that said, "If you can pick it up, glue it into your diary" The reason it says diary is because my teacher considers these to be Visual Diaries, which are places that people can record ideas and inspirations for future artworks. I liked the idea of being able to glue stuff into it. So I thought of an idea of another collage I could do on the inside. I named it "Lost Things". So I went home and started looking through my drawers. I found beads, buttons, rings, bracelets, charms, jewels, and some other stuff I thought would look interesting. To begin, I took as much different colored construction paper and cut it into pieces and scattered it around the page to make it colorful. I then used string to spell out the word "lost" and beads to spell out "things". Then my final touch was glueing all the little items that I found and scattering them all around to make it look like a box or a drawer that had lost things in it. I feel that it turned out really well and everyone I showed it to was impressed. It's only one of the 20 or so pages in this sketchbook and I'm looking forward to making more masterpieces such as these. Thank you for reading :)

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